Photos by Rupi Kandola

Hello and Welcome to

March Full Moon

Reiki Distance Healing 

Do you feel stuck and not found your purpose in life?


Do you feel when you start a project, you don't get the desired results that you are looking for?


You are looking for your next career opportunity but nothing seems to come your way...


Are you starting your spiritual journey but you are apprehensive to take the big step?


Do you suffer from chronic pain or illness? And you feel you have tried everything to relieve your pain?


Do you want to harmoniously want to balance your mind, body, spirit and align with your manifestation and desires? 




Ready for the massive SHIFT?!


According to Numerology the number 9 is all about transformation, endings and completion to prepare for new beginnings. "Its safe to surrender to a magical future that awaits me" an affirmation by Michelle Buchanan.


The Chinese year of the Snake, a time for healing past wounds and letting go, just like the snake sheds its old skin replacing for a new one and reclaiming emotional and personal power. The cultivation of emotional boundaries, resilience and levels of maturity. 

With the Worm Full Moon this month is a time for rebirth and manifestation.

The Lunar Eclipse is here to enable you to release all that no longer serves you, let go of the old patterns that give you the same results, clear blocks, show gratitude towards all that you have in order to invite more abundance, the list is endless.

The Full Moon Reiki Distance Healing is ideal to invoke that beautiful energy to release and show gratitude.


All you need to do is write down what you wish to invite this full moon and send in the request for £5 (per request), and it will be activated using the reiki distance healing and symbols.

Email your request to 

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